Sunday, June 7, 2015

The Beauty of Amsterdam Pt. 2

Wednesday morning shone bright and sunny, it was gorgeous, although a little nippy with the wind still kicking up every now and again.  We walked in to the Anne Frank house (although the lineup was around the corner and none of us felt like paying 20 Euros to wait for an hour to see an attic) and then headed back to Vondelpark for a stroll.  
Anne Frank House

We left, deciding to come back later with some beers, and headed for lunch at an Irish Pub near the museum district.  From there it was back to the Red Light District so that Caitlin could get her nose pierced.  While we were there, we saw people up on top of a church, and decided to go up.  It turned out to be the oldest church in Amsterdam, and our tour guide gave us some splendid information topped with stunning views of the city.  

We headed back to the park and spent the better part of the afternoon relaxing until it got too cold to sit outside anymore. 

We made our way back, but the weather was still beautiful, so Eric relaxed with a movie and Caitlin and I went out for a walk through Westerpark (right beside our Airbnb) and at twilight it felt like Narnia.  It was absolutely stunning with the sun setting and the vibrant colours of little houses tucked in behind trees.  We were both very sad we didn’t have our cameras with us.  By the time we got back, it was quite late as the sun didn’t set until about 10pm, and we relaxed with some music until bed.

My last full day in Amsterdam got off to a mellow start.  We decided to go see Haarlem (about 15km outside of Amsterdam) and we walked the 2km to the train station and took the short trip to Haarlem.  Since we really didn’t know anything about what to see there, we headed to the center, and enjoyed walking through the sleepy little town- a stark contrast to the hustle and bustle of Amsterdam.  We again enjoyed lunch on the patio, and then wandered the canals, admiring the houseboats (or dock houses because they weren’t really boats) before heading back to Amsterdam.  

We walked back up to the house, relaxing with a film for a couple hours and then it was time for me to leave.  Caitlin and Eric walked into town with me and we found a patio to sit with a beer and watched people for a couple of hours, before off I headed to the airport.  Amsterdam topped all of my expectations- it was the perfect blend of relaxation and culture, and the perfect place to spend four days.

My trip home was equally as uneventful as my trip there.  The man at Passport Control decided to make me answer questions in Turkish (which at 4 in the morning is quite tricky) but apparently I passed because he let me back in.  I made it home by 8am to a lovely surprise breakfast of a fantastic omelette, fresh bread and a cup of coffee.  Joe outdid himself by washing the dishes so that I could go pass out when I finished eating.  It was a good set up for the summer, and an enjoyable way to arrive home.

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