Saturday, June 6, 2015

The Beauty of Amsterdam Pt. 1

It is only the second time in three years of travelling that I have left the country I reside in and head for outside adventures, but this one made it all worthwhile.  I awoke bright and early to glorious sunshine on Monday morning, eagerly anticipating my journey to Amsterdam.  I walked down to the bus stop, and made my way to Malatya airport for my first flight.  I luckily had the emergency exit seat(e.e.s), so full leg room.  I easily killed four hours in Istanbul with a couple of beers and my book, and then landed another e.e.s. for the four hours to Amsterdam.  I made small talk with the older Turkish gentleman beside me (I am continually grateful for Michael Jordan as he makes explaining the pronunciation of my name infinitely easier), watched some T.V., dozed and arrived about 5pm.  I cleared customs with no problems, and then went to wait for Caitlin and her friend Eric to arrive.  I was quite pleased with their delay, as I was a titch shell shocked wandering the airport and looking at the tall, blonde people, the variety in the markets and the fact that everyone spoke English.  I managed to get my bearings by the time they arrived, and we headed to the train.  

We missed ours by a minute, and Eric saw a sign for Central that was leaving sooner than on the platform we were waiting for.  Thinking he knew what he saw, and not reading Dutch, we agreed and ended up on a train to the Hague- not the direction we were hoping for.  With the help of a nice Estonian traveller, we managed to get off and reoriented back in the correct direction.  We let our Airbnb hosts know we would be a little late, and enjoyed the scenery as the stress ebbed.  We found our bus from there and made it to our location in West Amsterdam by about 10pm.  We rang our host, and he came down to show us the ropes.
Rijks Museum
We headed back out to locate the grocery store (it was closed) and then relaxed by the canal before calling it a night.  The next morning was windy and cold with a drizzle pelting down in the wind.  Eric and I headed to the store to pick up some breakfast stuff, and then we had a lazy morning.  Since the weather was so miserable, we caught the tram to the Rijks Museum and spent a couple hours enjoying the art.  
Caitlin and I

Eric and Caitlin

We wandered out and as the rain had died down (although the wind was still wickedly cold) and walked into the center, meandering the canals, and stopped for lunch on a patio with a heat lamp.  From there we wandered into the Red Light District to see the Erotica museum and check out a couple tattoo shops (for Caitlin and Eric) but they were all quite pricey. 

  From there we headed to the Amsterdam Dungeons- an underground interactive history lesson on some of the darker times in Amsterdam’s history.  It was really interesting to have actors tell the story and enjoy the ‘live’ telling of history.

By this point we were a little tired, so we caught the bus home, stopping to pick up supplies for dinner, and then relaxing with a movie and an early bedtime.

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