Monday, July 13, 2015

Birthday Greetings

It has been the busiest couple of weeks we have had in Malatya since just after we arrived.  With the new teacher’s arrival, Onder decided to give us four hours a week with each class in contrast to the one or two hours we would normally get.  He handed out a schedule late one evening, and Joe and I looked at it and vittoed it.  Fortunately we were at home so that was an option, but the next day I went into work and talked to Isilay and Gungor and politely led them to the conclusion that it was terribly planned, and then offered to see if I could make a better one.  It took me 40min (during an empty period I happened to have that day) but I did indeed come up with a better one.  Gungor suggested we lie to Onder and say Isilay made it, but by Sunday night it was approved and we are now two weeks into everyone being a little bit happier. 
Joe bowling

My birthday came and went, fairly uneventfully.  As we were both working all day, Joe had taken me bowling the day before (I destroyed him) and then the day of, he awoke nice and early to make me a breakfast omelette, and then I came into work for a class.  Since it is still Ramadhan, I couldn’t bring in a cake or anything of the like, but everyone warmly wished me a happy birthday, and then Joe took me for lunch, and then to the pub after work, so all in all it was a lovely day.  It was topped off perfectly when we got home, and I had a shower.  Just as I was getting out, the doorbell rang.  Now this is a rare occurrence and it had never occurred that late at night before, but since I was not properly attired, Joe put on his housecoat, and he and A (the new teacher) got to the door about the same time.  30 seconds later, Joe was cackling in the hallway and I was thoroughly confused as to what had happened.  Apparently our neighbours across the way had been on their balcony and A- perhaps unused to neighbours, perhaps oblivious- had been wearing his birthday suit with the blinds open.   The security guard had come up, walked straight into A’s room and pulled the blinds closed, leaving A decently embarrassed and Joe and the security guard in stiches.  I found some thicker curtains while I was cleaning the next day, so I washed them and gave them to him so that it wouldn’t happen again.
My delicious birthday omlette
I had another surprise on Thursday when I went to see Buglem.  She has been a right little bundle of emotions the past few weeks (whether or not this is because of Ramadhan, or her age, or other unknown factors, I am not entirely sure) making her very difficult to deal with, and very prone to bursting into tears.  Kubra spent the afternoon with us (as that occasionally helps) and then told me they were going on holiday to visit Ali’s parents for Bayram (Eid-al-Fitr) and then to the sea, and they would be gone for about a month.  It was pleasant, they gave me a present (a little silver dish I have no idea what I am going to do with) and then Ali drove me home. 
Buglem and me

As Ramadhan nears it’s conclusion- this is the holiest day, as it is apparently the day the Koran descended from heaven (or something along those lines) which means the mosque will unhappily be going off pretty much all night) but then Joe and I leave Wednesday night for Trabzon, although I am not looking forward to it as much as I was because I am a little worried A is going to burn the house down (he occasionally forgets to turn off the elements when he is done cooking)  or do something equally as stupid like leave his key in the door (this has happened multiple times) and get us robbed.  But alas, there is nothing I can do about that and I am certainly not staying in Malatya for four days so what will be will be.

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